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Yoga for expanding breathing and immunity

With the high-sitting culture, there are so many diseases and discomforts we have to face. High blood pressure, a baggy stomach, an imbalanced deposition of fat in the body, knee pain, stress, and tiredness are becoming quite normal these days. We are not even taking a full breath. A little more physical activity, like stretching, running, yoga, or some simple breathing exercises, will help combat uneasiness.

1. Anulom-vilom

This is a pranayama, or controlled breathing practice. It entails closing one nostril during inhalation and closing the other during exhalation. After that, the procedure is performed in reverse. The pranic channels are balanced by this pranayama. It helps the body rid itself of impurities, enhances respiration, and lowers stress. Follow these instructions:

Anulom-Vilom Pranayam / Alternate brething Yoga practice
  • Sit on a mat with your neck and spine in a straight position. On your knees, rest your wrists.
  • Using your right hand, bend your middle and index fingers toward your palm. Place the thumb on the right nostril and the ring finger on the left.
  • When your lungs are full, slowly inhale deeply through your left nostril while keeping your thumb closed. Focus on your breathing. Next, let go of your thumb and use your ring finger to shut your left nostril. Breathe out slowly, using your right nostril.
  • Now use your left hand to repeat it.

2. Bhujangasana

Another name for it is “cobra pose.” Bhujangasana opens up the chest and activates the thymus gland, which is an important gland that releases T cells to boost immunity.

Bhujangasana / Cobra pose Yoga
  • While lying on your stomach, place your hands by your thighs’ sides, your legs together, your toes pointed outward, your palm facing upward, and your forehead may rest on the floor.
  • Now, slowly plant your palms on the floor at the sides of your shoulders, keeping your thumbs under your armpits.
  • At this point, gradually elevate the head, neck, and shoulders, as well as the trunk, until it reaches the navel. As your back arches, lift your chin as high as you can.
  • Hold this position for as long as it is comfortable for you. Then, slowly return to the ground by reversing the method, and unwind.

3. Naukasana

The word “naukasana” literally means “body shaped like a boat.” It enhances immunity throughout the body. This yoga pose tones your pancreas, liver, and abdominal organs. It is quite helpful in reducing visceral abdominal fat. It’s a crucial stance that facilitates better digestion.

Boat-pose Yoga
  • Lie on the floor with your legs and knees straight and your head looking up. Retain your hands behind your legs.
  • Raise your legs to a 45–60 degree angle and raise your complete body off the mat at this point. The arms are out in front of the body, parallel to the legs. More core strength and balance are needed for this.
  • Inhale normally, hold the position for a few seconds, and then relax.

4. Simhasana

Simhasana, or the lion pose, tones the voice, throat, and lungs. This position helps to lower tension and rage while stimulating the tonsils and immune system.

Lion-pose Yoga
  • Taking a seat with your hips on your heels and your palms resting on your knees, extend your spine by taking a deep breath and reaching up to your crown.
  • As you release the breath, extend your tongue, look up at the third eye point, arch your back, place your palms on the ground in front of your legs, and let out a lion-like (haaa!) roar.


Gilbert, C. (1999). Yoga and breathing. Journal of Bodywork and Movement Therapies, 3(1), 44–54. doi:10.1016/s1360-8592(99)80042-4.

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