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How to age like a fine vine

tips to stay healthy

Our mythological literature advices us that there is seven happiness to a perfect life in which “first happiness is disease free body पहला सुख निरोगी काया”. With the flow of fitness trend we try to keep our healthy physique and weight maintain but a matter of fact that as we age this निरोगी body starts to become रोगी and along with this following things we’ll also see when we age:

  • Our skin becomes drier and dehydrated.
  • Noticeable difference in appearance and greying of hairs.
  • Wrinkles and saggy skin will appear.
  • Might have feeling of gut and digestion disturbances.
  • Our spin loses its elasticity.

Above mentioned are just noticeable things however, inside the body there is lot more going on. Now-a-days besides people who are going to age, these symptoms are also seen in younger people due to poor diet and hectic lifestyle, called as early aging.

Tips to age nicely:

Here, in this article we suggest some practices to follow for a smooth transition from young to old age:

  • Limit your sun exposure or use sunscreen, as we age our DNA loose its ability to completely repair UV rays damage by itself and some portion of DNA remains unmatched (that’s how aging increases the risk of mutation and cancer).
  • Start and end your work day with to do list diary. It helps to stay focused and maintains mental health.
  • Keep your body active by doing exercises and place healthy strain to your body for regularization of bodily functions because there is a normal maintenance process to replace the old cells and divide into new cells (around 330 billion cells replaced every day). But with age this process becomes slow and removal of old-damaged cells started in every week or roughly takes as much days as your age (45 days to repair skin cells of a 45 years old human) it also depends on the type of cell. Sometimes cells lost it dividing ability and goes in resting state. That cause impaired cell/organ function.
  • Perform yoga especially the inverted one (adhomukh svanasana, Shirshasana, vipritika karni, bridge pose-halasna, dolphin pose) which boost the circulation in brain more with the help of gravity.
  • Our epigenome (DNA + histones + chemical modifications of DNA) is sensitive to stress, drugs and diets. Include foods of color in your diet and stay hydrated. Because cells need both water n’ nutrients for growth and metabolism.
  • Stay socially interactive to keep stress at bay thus prevent memory loss and increased cortisol (stress hormone).

Just be happy who you are and how you look, the only thing that matter is healthy life. Consistently practicing above things will help you to attain the goal of healthy living.

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